朱媛媛 副教授

发布者:管理员 网站发布时间:2017-05-05浏览次数:6004


[1]Yuan-Yuan Zhu, Yu-Jia Hu, Chang-Jun Cheng, DQEM for analyzing dynamic characteristics of layered fluid-saturated porous elastic media, Acta Mechanica,2013, DOI: 10.1007/s00707-013-0851-0. (SCI
[2]朱媛媛胡育佳程昌钧非线性弹性土中桩基的屈曲和后屈曲分析力学季刊, 2012, 33(4): 526-534(核心期刊)
[3]Zhu Yuan-Yuan, Hu Yu-Jia, Cheng Chang-Jun, Analysis of nonlinear stability and post-buckling for Euler-type beam-column structure, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2011,32(6):719-728(English Edition),(SCI,EI)
[4]Han Wen-Hao, Zheng Xiao-Mei, Zhu Yuan-Yuan*, Nonlinear dynamical analyses for the beam-column structure, 2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce, AIMSEC 2011 - Proceedings, 2011:4107-4110. (EI)
[5]Hu Y.J., Zhu Y.Y., Cheng C.J., Transient dynamic response of fluid-saturated soil under a moving cyclic loading, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011, 31(3): 491-501.( EI)
[7]程昌钧,朱媛媛,胡育佳,桩基的稳定性:理论和最新进展,固体力学学报,2010,31(5): 572-586.(EI)
[8]Zhu Y.Y., Cheng C.J., Generalized Hamilton variational principles for non-linear analyses of beam-column structures, Journal of Mechanics and MEMS, 2009, 1(2):181-190.
[9]朱媛媛,胡育佳,程昌钧,求解具有弹性接头桩基动力学大变形分析的微分代数方法,力学季刊,2009, 30(2): 183-190. (核心期刊)
[10]高杉,朱媛媛,朱正佑,具有初始弯曲的桩基稳定性分析,上海大学学报(自然科学版)200915(3):290-295. (核心期刊)
[11]Yu-jia HuYuan-yuan Zhu, Chang-jun Cheng, DQM for dynamic response of fluid-saturated visco-elastic porous media, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46:1667-1675. (SCI, EI)
[12]Yu-Jia Hu, Yuan-yuan Zhu, Chang-Jun Cheng , DQEM for large deformation analysis of structures with discontinuity conditions and initial displacementEngineering Structures, 2008, 30(5): 1473–1487(SCIEI)
[13]Hu Yu-jia, Zhu Yuan-yuan, Cheng Chang-jun, Differential-algebraic approach to large deformation analysis of frame structures subjected to dynamic loads, Applied mathematics and mechanics, 2008, 29(4): 441-452( SCI, EI)
[14]朱媛媛,胡育佳等,微分求积方法对于桩基大变形分析的应用,力学季刊,2007, 28(2): 310-319(核心期刊)
[1]土壤液化对桩基静动力学行为影响的分析, 上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金, 时间:2006.1-2007.12
[2]饱和土中桩基-结构相互耦合作用的非线性静动力学行为研究, 上海市项目(07pj14073), 时间:2007.9-2009.9
[3]饱和土中桩基力学特性的理论分析与计算, js金沙登录入口一般科研项目(SK201032), 时间:2010.1-2011.12
[4]空间曲梁大变形分析及其在MEMS中的应用, 基金项目(No.11002084 )子项目,时间:2011.1-2013.12